None right now

Friday, May 20, 2016

Just Write #2

Ever since I started blogging again, I've been looking for a way to incorporate my writing hobby on my blog. Finally, I've figured out a way to do it. I've started a feature called Just Write, in which I share some of my writing/writing ideas. I'd love feedback, and it would be super cool if y'all wanted to share some of your writing/ideas with me! You can either do your own Just Write post and link it up in the comments, or you can put it right there in the comments. I'm super excited about this, so don't be shy when it comes to interacting. I want to hear anything you have to say!

My first Just Write post featured the pitch for the screenplay I was writing for my screenplay class. Update: I got an A in the class. I didn't write the entire screenplay, but I got the first two (out of three) acts written. Anyway, when I first posted the pitch, a few of you commented,m saying you wanted to see more of it. I figured for this week's Just Write, I'd share a little snippet with y'all. This was a really fun scene to write. This is a flashback to when the protagonist, Riley, first met her best friend, Lexie. 

(The formatting is a little janky because it's hard to put screenwriting format into a blog because screenplays have a VERY specific format guide. Other than that, I hope you enjoy.)


The taxi's interior is clean, with black vinyl seats and polished door panels. A blue air freshener dangles from the rear view mirror.

Lexie and Riley sit in the back. Lexie's shoulders slump, and she fingers her seat belt. Riley, not wearing a seat belt, leans her head against the window, eyes closed.

The driver eyes Riley through the rear view mirror.

She doesn't drool, does she? I hate wiping people's saliva off my upholstery.

No, sir.

Lemme ask you something. You seam like a fairly nice girl, and she has obviously made it her mission to be as big a handful as possible.

Sorry, but I'm not sure I understand what you're asking.

I guess I'm just wondering why you put up with her. I'm sure there are tons of nice girls who want to be your friend.

Though her eyes are still closed, Riley furrows her eyebrows.

In my experience, sir, the ones who seem nice often aren't. Riley has a sharp tongue and rough edges, but she doesn't pretend.

Still seems like a lot to deal with.

She's the best friend I've ever had.

Riley's hard expression softens into a small smile.


The room is vast, with dozens of tables occupying the floor space. Hundreds of HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS (15-18, varying ethnicities and physical attributes) swarm the cafeteria, standing in food lines and crowding the tables.

Fifteen-year-old Lexie waits alone in the line for the salad bar. She stares at a table about twenty feet away, populated by a group of seven girls leaning close together, gossiping and laughing.

Fifteen-year-old Riley stands a few people back in line, staring ahead blankly.

A JOCK (17, 6'2" -- brawny arms; short, gelled hair) brushes Lexie's shoulder. She whirls around and smiles politely at him.

I'm sorry. I must have bumped you.

No worries. I touched you on purpose to get your attention.

Oh. Well, you have it now. What can I do for you?

Many things, I'm sure. You know, you're pretty hot for a freshman.

Riley fixes her eyes on Lexie and the jock's exchange. Her lips purse.

Uh, thanks.

So, what that mouth do?

Excuse me?

Lexie glances toward the table of girls again, eyes pleading, but the girls refuse to notice.

I bet there's an empty classroom around here.


Riley pushes past the people standing in front of her and slings an arm around Lexie's shoulders.

Hey, asshole, how about you leave my girlfriend alone?

Girlfriend? That's sexy as hell.

I bet it won't be so sexy when I cut your dick off. That's right, I'm a little crazy and I am very fond of knives.

The jock's mouth gapes open. Without another word, he pivots and flees. Riley and Lexie burst out laughing at the same time.

Thank you for that.

That guy had creeper vibes oozing off of him.

I suck at deflecting people like that. I was hoping my friends would see and come help, but I guess they were distracted.

I'm Riley.

Nice to meet you! My name is Lexie. Do you always have second lunch period? I've never seen you before.

I'm new, actually. To the school, not just to second lunch. Today is my first day.

Holy cow! Welcome! Are you new to Los Angeles as well?

Yeah, I'm from Arkansas.

Oh my. That's kind of a culture shock, I imagine. What brought you to L.A.?

My mom has lived here for a few months. I just moved in with her.

Well cool! Hey, if you want, when you get your food, you can come sit with me and my friends.

Oh, all right. Thanks!

It's the least I can do after you saved me from that creepy guy.


Any questions, comments? I'd love to hear your thoughts or tell you more about the storyline. What do you think about this new feature? Also, I would definitely love to see some of your writing!

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Thank you so much for taking the time to read what I have to say and give your opinion on it. It really means a lot to me. And of course, I will do my best to return the favor. However, as easily distracted and scatter-brained as I am, please don't be offended if I forget to comment on your blog.